What is certified Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is an official form of medicine in India. Certified Ayurvedic formulations need to go through the approval with the Indian Ministry of Ayurveda and Yoga "AYUSH". Yes, Ayurveda is the sister science to Yoga and a perfect way to take Yoga beyond the Matt.
Unlike supplements in the US original Ayurvedic formulations need to meet the requirements of AYUSH and are subject to audits. Manufacturing practices need to adhere to requirements stated in the formulation to preserve nutrients and maximize efficacy. The details matter in honoring this millennia old science and preserving its legacy. Ingredients we use are also native to India to adhere to the standards of authentic formulation.
We are on a mission to share the purest form of Ayurveda to help us reconnect to our most natural state – internal systems working in harmony, our entire beings finely tuned to the song of life.